Please start by contacting the office. 208-452-5778
In the next section you'll find instructions for completing your Baptism Class.
Baptisms can be scheduled anytime except during Advent and Lent. If this is an emergency situation, please call or text the office immediately.
Fr. Francisco Godinez encourages everyone to have their Baptism at any regularly scheduled Mass. It is in your child’s best interest to have their Baptism in the presence of the rest of their Catholic community. Background for this: in simple terms-there’s more strength when people gather to pray. By gathering the entire community to pray and renew our own Baptismal vows for your child’s Baptism, we’re heaping lots of strength and grace into that particular Sacrament.
If you are registered in another Parish and want to have your Baptism here, we will need a letter from your Pastor giving us permission to celebrate the Sacrament.
Por favor, comience por ponerse en contacto con la oficina. 208-452-5778En la siguiente sección encontrará instrucciones para completar su clase de bautismo.
Los bautismos se pueden programar en cualquier momento, excepto durante el Adviento y la Cuaresma. Si se trata de una situación de emergencia, llame o envíe un mensaje de texto a la oficina de inmediato.
El P. Francisco Godínez anima a todos a tener su bautismo en cualquier Misa programada regularmente. Es en el mejor interés de su hijo tener su bautismo en presencia del resto de su comunidad católica. Antecedentes para esto: en términos simples, hay más fuerza cuando las personas se reúnen para orar. Al reunir a toda la comunidad para orar y renovar nuestros propios votos bautismales para el bautismo de su hijo, estamos acumulando mucha fuerza y gracia en ese sacramento en particular.
Si está registrado en otra parroquia y desea tener su bautismo aquí, necesitaremos una carta de su párroco dándonos permiso para celebrar el sacramento.
If you already have a Formed account, or after you make an account, you can click here to access the class:
All baptisms (infant, older child, or adult) require a godparent. Being a godparent is both a great honor and a serious responsibility. For that reason, the Church has established canonical laws in place so that those who wish to serve as a godparent may do so according to God's plan of salvation.
Children signed up for First Communion Sacramental Prep will be taught how to make a good confession and are required to have their first confession before they can receive the sacrament. Confirmation candidates will similarly be required to confess at least once during the Easter season before their reception of the sacrament, according to Canon Law.
For individuals merely looking for the Confession times at Corpus Christi parish, they are typically
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 9:05am - 9:25am
Thursdays 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Saturdays from 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Classes are Wednesdays 5:30pm-7:00pm- First Holy Communion Day May 24th 2025
In order to register for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion:
Classes are Wednesdays 7:00pm-8:00pm- First Holy Communion 2025 to be announced at a later date.
There is a $45 Registration Fee for first year and Basic Religious Ed (If you already have your Sacrament) $65 for 2nd year to receive First Holy Communion. Please bring it to the office in person, by check Please clearly mark this payment with your child's name and the words "First Communion".
If you do not complete all the requirements in time to be Confirmed by the Bishop on the date he selects, or if for any reason you cannot be Confirmed on that date, Confirmation can be completed on the next date approved by the Bishop.
Confirmation Registration Contact Mr. Erne Knee 208-739-0577 or [email protected] the office: 208-452-5778
Community service is not required to obtain a Sacrament of the Catholic Church. If you wish to do community service, you certainly may. Choose something that you feel drawn to do and make sure your parents approve. This is up to you to arrange on your own. If you want any help or guidance from Corpus Christi, please contact the office.
ALL Catholics are required to attend Mass on ALL Holy Days of Obligation. EVERY Sunday is a Holy Day of Obligation. You should be attending Mass here at Corpus Christi. We will not be making you prove that you've attended Mass, but you must take this seriously and hold yourself to this responsibility as a good Catholic and a soldier of Christ. This is your duty to God. Take it seriously. It affects your eternal soul.
Come into the office or stop before or after Mass and introduce yourself to the Pastor and tell him that you are requesting the Sacrament of Confirmation this year. Remember, he's your Pastor and your Spiritual guide. He's here to help you through this process. You can also call/text/email the office for any questions or help.
If you are seeking to be married in the Church, please contact the office and schedule a meeting with the Pastor for Marriage Prep classes and other requirements. YOU MUST MAKE THE APPOINTMENT WITH 6 MONTHS IN ADVANCE, NO EXCEPTIONS.
UNFORTUNATELY, NO MARRIAGE PREP IS AVAILABLE TO COUPLES WHO SEEK MARRIAGE OUTSIDE OF THE COUNTRY( If this is the case, you will need a permission letter from the Pastor to marry outside of the parish territory. The couple is fullly responsible to follow the guidelines of the parish of choice outside the country).
If you're interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, or if you were born and raised Catholic but haven't received all of your Sacraments you can join our OCIA program. OCIA classes usually begin in August and culminate at Easter. In order to join the Catholic church you must participate in the classes for the entire time. Please call the parish office if you would like to talk to the OCIA facilitator for more information. Many of our classes are found on If you are currently in OCIA and need to watch one of the videos, you'll need to make a (free) account on Formed.
Instructions for making a free account on Formed:
click "sign up"
click "I belong to a Parish or Organization"
click "Corpus Christi Catholic Church"
type in your name and email address
If you already have a Formed account, or after you make an account, you can click here to access the class: Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - FORMED